18 Dec 2010

Breed Standard (Photo)

1 Nose 
2 nasal bridge
3 Lips 
4 Stay
5 Cheeks
6 Skull
7 Throat 
8 Ears 
9 Neck
10 Nape
11 Withers
12 Back and loin
13 Croup
14 Pelvis
15 Set of the tail
16 Tail
17 Forechest 
18 Ribcage
19 Breastbone 
20 Shoulderblade 
21 Upper Arm
22 Elbow 
23 Forearm
24 Carpal joint
25 Pastern
26 Toes
27 Penis
28 Upper thigh
29 Patella
30 Lower thigh
31 Point of the hock
32 Hock
33 Rear Pastern

19 Nov 2010

All the mantles



Merci I know its American but I liked it


Kismet and Tuxedo







All these pics are in the public domain or I have been granted permission to post them. 

24 Sept 2010

Mantle Great Dane

Our homebred Mantle
Culseandanes Viper's Tale 
aka Stripe.

A few Mantle facts

Mantles are strictly Black & White.

They cannot have any Merle (grey) on them Otherwise they would be considered a heavy marked or blanketed Harlequin or classed as a missmark

Some parts of the world still refer to this colour as Boston.

Mantles often come from Harlequin breedings.

Mantles can be bred to Harlequins and it can reduce the risk of whites in the litters. 
(do check your dogs ancestors for this though as Great great great grandparents may surprise you.)

Mantle bred to Mantle cannot produce Harlequins. 

Mantles where only allowed into the show ring in 2007. Some show side folks and breeders where not happy about this but most have come round. 

courtesy of sixstardanes.

This is ones in the ring and 1 being the most favourable for conformation and markings. 
As you can see Stripe fits the bill just a tad on the small side for my liking.  

This from the American side they got to have a mantle in the show ring long before us as usual.

To All Dane Fanciers: We have official notification from AKC of final approval and effective dates for the addition of the mantle class at AKC shows. The memo, dated March 11, 1999 was sent from AKC's Robert Pio, and states the mantle dog standard, as amended, was approved by AKC and is effective 4/28/99.

1. Premium lists already printed with classes by color: Secretaries and Superintendents are to ACCEPT entries with a designated color, "Mantle".
2. For upcoming shows, premium lists presently or not yet prepared: ADD mantle to the list of acceptable colors where the classes are divided by color.
3. All Judges Books and Catalogs should reflect this additional class division, where appropriate.

Here is the final wording of the revision to the Great Dane Standard:
The color shall be black and white with a solid black blanket extending over the body; black skull with white muzzle; white blaze is optional; whole white collar preferred; a white chest; white on part or whole of forelegs and hind legs; white tipped black tail. A small white marking in the black blanket is acceptable, as is a break in the white collar.
Any variance in color or markings as described above shall be faulted to the extent of the deviation. Any Great Dane which does not fall within the above color classifications must be disqualified.

I am greatly appreciative of everyone who worked so hard to get this change approved. I think it will be very exciting to see these beautiful dogs assume their place in the show ring.

25 Aug 2010

Harlequin Great Dane

Mandisadane Lady From Culseandanes 
aka Wilma

    A few Harlequin facts

Great Danes are the only breed of dog with this colour pattern

When Harlequins are bred together they may or may not produce Harlequin puppies

Harlequin bred to Harlequin can produce White puppies that frequently are deaf and/or blind

Harlequins are frequently mistaken by the general public as Dalmatians.