11 May 2023

Fading puppy

 Fading puppies can happen up to 8 weeks and even older in a litter. 

Non breeders don’t really understand this can happen in a litter and it’s like the dark side of breeding and is totally devastating for mother and her breeder as we want the best for the puppies.

We can do things to help a fading puppy like separating the pup for a heat up and then back to the breast but sometimes the pup can fade before your eyes and there is nothing to be done at all 

We then keep a much closer eye on the litter if a fading pup happens sadly folks including me have lost nearly full litters to this sadly. 

We learn from it and watch who we breed from in further litters and who to put to whom. 

I have to state that there is no reason for fading puppy and it can just happen but if repeated in same litters we do some research on it.

It’s very much like cot death and can run in families just like your Bitch hence the research so we can do the best we can for the puppies if we know there’s a chance of fading puppy, but nature does and can take its course. 

10 May 2023

Puppy formula

 I usually have a tried and tested one on hand if we have large litters or if mum has had a c section and her milk hasn’t come down yet or is delayed as this can happen.

If we have Tinys we always top them up as the bigger ones are damn fast and steal the tits. So we try and get them on boobs first and a wee top up. 

300ml of full fat goats milk unpasteurised is better but not to worry if you can’t 

300ml of full fat plain yoghurt 

1 egg

Half a teaspoon of syrup 

300ml of warm water 

Whisk or blend 

Leave to settle and fill bottles and feed. 

Keep in fridge and it keeps for a few days 

I know they say to warm the bottles I find if left in the room with cover on they come to room temp and less freaking out you may burn the puppies. 

6 May 2023

Neilston show (companion show)

 On this day 

Culseandanes Janet Weiss 

Aka Skylar 

In large dog class gained a 1st 

Then went onto win

Best in show out of 150 dogs 
