28 Jan 2012

Exercising your Great Dane Puppy


Now this is a minefield out there and this is personal to us. It what works for us.

This goes by age of Dane as you can walk your dog from 12 weeks. Not just in the garden but she will greatly benefit from the training there.

No forced exercise at all till 6 months and as much as free play as they want they will tell you when tired.


No jumping is allowed at all not till he is over 18 months because of joints.  Please this is important over jumping and climbing of stairs as in not allowed as you can and will damage the bones as they are soft and pliable so easily broken.

I ask you to put up baby gates where there is stairs as precaution as puppies are naturally nosy and will climb up to see what is there.

Do not allow your Dane to jump on couches, chairs or beds as their joints are still pliable. No jumping up on you either is to be encouraged as again it can damage the joints.

If in a flat please be aware of the stairs and supervise at ALL times. If bouncy put him on lead and take down slowly and same back up.  Make sure that the flooring you use isn’t of the slippy kind.

Not to frighten you it will cost you in excess of £2-5,000 for fixing broken limbs a long stay at the vets and a long haul of recovery. 

Over exercise is not on either as again you can hurt the joints of your pup.  Please do not walk and walk with your Dane Pup if you have a long walk planned take into account the age of Dane and go accordingly.  As in lots of breaks for him and drinks too.

Please do not run with your puppy either again this is to do with joints and growing.  Running isn’t allowed till he is also over 18 months.

Zoomies are when they have a mad 10 minutes if they go OTT stop them with a firm no and even standing near them remember to jump out of the way now though.

                                         House flooring

If you have wooden or marble flooring I ask you to put rugs down in case your dog falls as this will damage tendons and joints over time if he does it a lot and we know Danes love doing zoomies so rugs are a must that don’t slide about.  This will save you in the long term on vet bills.

21 Jan 2012

Our Puppy Questionnaire

   Phone (home):              work:
   Referred by:
   What reference
   Materials have you read?
   How many individuals of this breed are you acquainted with?
   Type of dwelling:      house       flat   mobile home

   If renting, please give name and address of landlord:

   Name, address and phone number of your veterinarian:

1.   Who will be the primary care giver?

2.   Where will the puppy be kept during the night?

3.   Where will the puppy be kept during the day?

4.   Is anyone home during the day?

5.   How many hours on the average will the puppy be left alone?

6.   Will there be someone available to feed and exercise the puppy during the day?

7.    Have you ever owned a dog before?

8.     Do you have any other animals?

9.     Do you have any children? If yes, what are their ages.

10. Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals?
If yes, to what and how severe?

11.          Are you interested in a male or female puppy?

12.          At what age do you wish to get the puppy?

13.          How did you hear about this breed?

14.          What do you expect the activity level of this breed to be:

very high    high     moderate     below average

15.          What kind of floor surfaces will the dog be on in the house?

16.          How many hours a day will the puppy be kept outside?

17.          How will he be confined when he is outside?

18.          Do you have a fenced yard or suitable pen?

19.          Have you ever house trained a dog before?

20.          How long have you lived at this address?

21.          Will you be attending any training classes?

22.          If yes, at what age will you start, which activities or competitions are you interested in, who is the trainer?

23.          How long did your last pet live? What were the circumstances of its' death?

24.          Have you ever returned a pet to the breeder? Rescue? Given away  If so, what were the circumstances?

25.          Are you interested in showing the dog?

26.          Are you interested in competition in performance events such as obedience, agility, showing etc.?

27.          A Great Dane now lives till they are, on average 10 are you willing to take that on board?

28.          Will you feed a premium diet?

29.          Will you be willing to spay/neuter depending on gender and age? (unless shown)

30.          Will you love your chosen Dane unconditionally even when they are being a pain in the arse?

31.          Will you read the booklet cover to cover that comes with your puppy?

32.          Will you stay in contact?

Some are personal, some can be funny and this will most likely get updated a lot as the years go on. 
These are not meant to offend but some are and that is their choice but do remember these furbabies are reared by us with care and love first.