30 Nov 2014

Mouthing behaviours

Dog Mouthing 

Dog mouthing is a very common problem that varies from simple situations where a dog is overly playful up to the more serious situations where dogs deliver powerful bites that in some cases leave nasty bruises or scars on the skin. In order to deal with this dog behaviour issue we need to understand why the dog is behaving this way in the first place.

First it is important to address the background of shaping the dog mouthing habit and then we can jump into scenarios and techniques that we can use to stop this unwanted behaviour.

Why does a dog mouth?

A dog uses his jaw and teeth for more complex actions than just eating and biting. It is the dog’s only extremity that serves a multiple purpose, from the primary one such as feeding to others such as exploring the environment and physical displays of complex and various social behaviours.

Dog mouthing behaviours start in the earliest stages of a dog’s life and although many people think that this kind of “habit” is only displayed while dogs are in their puppyhood, the truth is that dogs are mouthing throughout their entire lives. In most cases, this type of interaction won’t stop without human intervention and most dog owners do not encourage it, however, this type of interaction still continues among dogs themselves during their social interactions with each other throughout their whole lives.

The development of this dog behaviour

Regardless of a dog’s breed, there are a few other factors that play very important roles in shaping the dog’s nipping habits. These include; his parents, his socialisation period while still in the litter and his socialisation period after leaving his littermates, when he is removed from the litter and the environment in which he lives.

It is a known fact that dogs removed from the litter before 6 weeks of age tend to display more dog mouthing issues during the first period of their lives and in some cases, it continues even beyond that. The reason for this is that the dog has been removed from his littermates and his mother just before the first biting and mouthing experiences are properly shaped. The environment in which the puppies have grown up in during their first few weeks also plays an important role, as well as the overall structure of the litter and the presence of other adult dogs in the area. 

Once a puppy changes the environment and you bring him into your home, he will simply try to communicate with that environment in the same way that he is already familiar (which is by using his mouth). This is also the stage of his life dog when he is developing his instincts, drives and muscular/bone structure as well as his overall coordination; using the jaw in this development stage is crucial for dogs.

What is acceptable and what is not

New dog owners are often concerned about their new puppy’s behaviour if he bites at their legs and calves while they are walking or running. They see this as a form of aggression, especially as some pups tend to be very vocal when they do this, with a lot of growling and barking.

This is not aggression; it is a prey drive and most dogs naturally has it. What the puppy is doing is exercising these prey-drive patterns. It is important to understand this, because our actions during this early stage may steer the direction of our pup’s growth, development and behaviours.

For example, if you are encouraging a puppy’s prey drive during this early developing stage, you will probably end up with a dog that shows higher prey drive patterns than are necessary, even for some dog sports or other activities. This can result in problems later on.

On the other hand, if you avoid triggering this type of behaviour altogether during the early development stage (the first 16 weeks of a puppy’s life), your dog will probably show lower prey drive patterns later on, which can also be a problem for training and motivation depending on what you plan to do with your dog.

All puppies play, but that play is not as structured as it is with grown up dogs. They also don’t have such good self-control as grown up dogs have. If they were left in their litter, their dog nipping behavior patterns would have been shaped based on the responses of their fellow littermates and their mother and/or other adult dogs, however, a puppy that was removed from the litter too early grows up with humans, and we tend not to be able to successfully control this issue. Just like any other type of dog behaviour issue, what can start as a small problem, will only grow, if not addressed correctly.

Dog Mouthing Issues in Adult Dogs

Even though nipping during the development stage of any dog is normal, mouthing in adult dogs is a serious issue that can be very dangerous. The root of this problem lays in the fact that as a puppy, this dog grew up in an environment and with situations that didn’t properly shape this behaviour pattern and in which he wasn’t properly addressed for this behaviour or perhaps he was encouraged by accessing functional rewards (this is a type of reward that includes things like; going out, asking for attention, initiating play, etc. For example, if your dog is bored and he knows that certain actions (including biting at you) will initiate play with you, he will use this.)

Adult dog mouthing is in most cases; a form of attention seeking behaviour, which means that at some point the dog, learned that he could control the environment and people’s reactions by this action. This can be very dangerous because dogs tend to increase pressure in order to get what they want, so in some cases this can turn into actual bites.

Don’t be fooled that a dog doesn’t know how hard he is mouthing. They are perfectly aware of it and if creating pain will make you move (or if this is the way they can reach their goal) they will bite to that point. Many dog trainers think of this as a “lack of respect” and address it as such, but in truth, it is possible that the dog has simply learned how to manipulate certain situations this way. It is always important to identify the root of any dog behaviour issue, before you can properly address it. Nevertheless, this behaviour is not something to be ignored.

Is this behaviour a form of aggression?

That depends, normally puppies don’t display aggressive patterns during early puppyhood, however as the dog grows older you may see in many cases a fast switch during their interaction with humans, in which the dog displays a combination of playful and aggressive signals, this is relatively dangerous as these types of rapid switches are a direct product of the response that the dog is receiving from the person that he is interacting with. 

This is often the reason that dogs tend to be rougher with some family members, than with others. There are a few steps that we need to be aware of in order to steer young dogs in the right direction on this subject.

How to manage this behaviour 

There are several different techniques that can be used to address dog mouthing problems, however, always remembering the “safety first” rule is imperative. If you are not sure of how to read your dog’s signals properly, or if you are not sure of how and/or what to do, it is always best to contact a professional for assistance.

First of all, dogs won’t grow out of this behaviour, as many people think; this is not just a part of puppyhood; it is rather normal dog behaviour.

Training techniques & tips

The best time in a dog’s life to address any potential issues on the subject of dog mouthing that may arise at a later time, is as early as possible, most precisely during their socialisation and development period.
Control the environment: 
Everything in puppyhood is considered to be a developing time; therefore prey-drive patterns are developed during this window, as well. If the dog is exposed to the environment that encourages his chasing-biting behaviour, than this dog will develop stronger reactions to movement and will often react with his mouth even more in these situations.

Teasing your dog with your hands (rapidly moving your hands) will only encourage him to persist and want to grab your hands even more.

 I often see dog owners that perform the break dance whenever their dog goes into a mouthing mode, without even realizing that those same fast movements that are intended to get away from the scenario are actually triggering the dog’s behaviour even more.

Respond to the behaviour: Dogs in the early stages of their lives are easily influenced. You can use this to your advantage. There are a few simple things that you can do when your puppy starts nipping. For example, if the game becomes too rough, simply “yelp” and stop playing. Stop all activities and ignore your puppy for a few seconds, then engage the game again. This is important, as just yelping alone and continuing play will only intrigue your puppy even more, the game has to stop at that moment, and cannot resume until the dog’s behaviour is acceptable (he calms down).

TIP: It is very important to re-engage the game session; the purpose of this break wasn’t to punish your dog, but to deliver feedback to him. Giving a response and feedback during the interaction with your dog is crucial for his development. This is the way he learns to adjust his game and the strength of his approach.

The use of a loud sound: Sometimes young dogs simply go too far and even your attempt to stop the game may not stop your dog from mouthing and jumping. In this case, you may try using a loud sound like clapping your hands or a loud “hey!” in order to stop him. It is important to stop all of your body movement, as well). Once your dog stops his unwanted behavior, reengage the play session. If you have a sensitive dog, or one that tends to get overly excited when playing, keep the intensity of the game session controlled and under a lower level of excitement so that your dog doesn’t get over-stimulated.

TIP: Keep in mind that your body posture may also be a trigger for the intensity of your dog’s play and how rough he will respond. The lower you are with your body, the easier it is for him to reach you and the more excited he will get. Also, the lower you are, the more you are encouraging jumping at you and mouthing at your face, which can be extremely dangerous. 
Ignoring the behaviour: This is probably one of the best techniques to use, although it is usually the hardest. Young dogs will often try to engage a playing session by grabbing/biting at your legs, hands, clothes, etc. What you do (or how you react) will mold your dog’s behavior patterns. Responding to your dog’s engaging signals (in this case, the mouthing), will teach your dog that his actions create an impact in the environment, and he will begin using this “technique” whenever he wants to activate you. This is the road to attention seeking behaviour issues.

If your dog realises that he can make you move and play or do whatever, simply by practicing the mouthing behaviour, he will increase that behaviour and from then on you will face a long, difficult, and time-consuming, retraining period to resolve this unwanted behaviour.

TIP: If you are in the situation where your dog is mouthing your hand while you are sitting, in order to engage you to play with him, even if you would like to do so, you don’t want to reward his behavior which will encourage it in the future, so instead, do a simple redirecting technique. For example: don’t move your body and wait for the second that he stops mouthing. As soon as he stops, make a kissy noise or other sound with your mouth to get his attention and then lure him with your other hand over to the other side of your body, step away from your current place and then start playing. 

Whatever you do, be sure to allow a few seconds between the dog’s mouthing and actually playing with him or performing other interactions. These few seconds should be enough for your dog to not connect his mouthing with your response, as a form of reward. 

Redirecting dog mouthing: As mentioned, dog mouthing is a normal dog behaviour and activity, our goal is to lower this behaviour to a minimum and redirect it to different objects in the environment, like toys.

Every time a dog gets into a mouthing pattern, redirect him to a toy or a chew bone that you will keep hidden in your pocket for this occasion. Be careful when using this method that you redirect in a way that is not rewarding. The easiest way to do this is to surprise your dog with a toy that appears “out of nowhere”. If you make too much noise or commotion when producing the toy (while you are getting it out), your dog may simply conclude that his mouthing has made you produce that reward, and this is not what we want.

TIP: Remember that it is not advisable to use your body as a toy. If you do, your dog will not understand why he cannot mouth you (for example, playing with your hands or feet, encouraging him to chase or bite at you). Instead, always redirect him to, or play with, a toy that he can focus his mouth on. 

The “capping” game:

In this “game” you will help teach your dog how to cap or control his energy/excitement level. Simply engage your dog and play with him, once he gets excited, stop the game completely. When the dog calms down and stops his play, re-engage him once more. Continue like this for a short play session, capping him whenever he starts to get too excited. Eventually, this will teach your dog how to deal with the over-excited state that he gets into in some situations, showing him that there is an alternative response (calming down). This also teaches the dog that just because the game stops, doesn’t mean all the fun is over. By re-engaging your dog, it reassures him that he doesn’t have to be persistently in that high-energy state to enjoy a play session.

Training outside of the dog mouthing situation:

This is an easy technique that can save you a lot of trouble (but please don’t use it if there are any possibilities of physical injury to anyone involved).

First we will set up a scenario where your dog will be made aware of the fact that you have treats in your hands (you can start off with only one treat, in one hand). Present the treat to your dog, then close your fist tight and place it firmly against your thigh (with fingers still curled in a fist and facing down).

Let your dog try mouthing your hand, or pawing at it, but ignore him while he does this. At the moment the he starts backing away, mark this moment and open your hand so that he can access the reward. Within a few repetitions, your dog will learn to back away in order to access a treat. You can then move on to using both hands, opening your fist, etc.

Once he is fluent with this, you can exercise it in different scenarios like: sitting on the sofa or on the floor, etc. and any scenarios in which dog mouthing normally occurs. You can also add a verbal command like “back”, or whatever word you want to use when he is backing away. Once he learns the verbal cue, you can use it to remind him of the alternative behaviour that you want if he starts mouthing.

TIP: Remember that it is important to train alternative behaviour responses. Many people make the mistake of putting all of their focus on how to stop an issue (including dog mouthing) without training an alternative behaviour (sit, down, back, etc.) to the dog. This is just important as dealing with the issue itself. Remember that if you are trying to modify a certain behaviour without offering a substitute action. You are sending mixed messages to your dog and he will become confused. 

These are just a few approaches that work in most cases, however every case is a story for itself, and if you are not sure of how to do proceed or if nothing works, the best thing is always to contact a local behavourist who can visit you and your dog in the environment where the issues happen, in order to assess and plan the best course of action.  

Please do not allow your puppy or young Great Dane to mouth you as you know how big a Great Dane can grow and you could be storing up trouble for yourself in the future. 

29 Nov 2014

Great Dane Club of Wales

Culseandanes Aurora Storm 
gained a 3rd and a VHC 
Owned and Handled by Annette Harrison 

18 Nov 2014

great dane breeders and owners association

Culseandanes Aurora Storm 
gained a 3rd and 3x reserves into the bargain.

Owned and handled by Annette Harrison 

13 Nov 2014

Golden Paste

This isn't to replace joint pain medication already given to dogs and I am not a vet.

Turmeric is known as a great anti inflammatory and has the ability to detox the blood and boost the immune system.

Small breeds
1/2 teaspoon a meal 2 times a day

Medium - large breeds
1 teaspoon 2 times day

Turmeric is a known safe spice for dogs but please be aware of any reactions your dog so start with 1/2 a teaspoon to begin with


 cold water in                          

Coconut Oil
Black Pepper
All jarred up.

10 Nov 2014

South western great dane open show

Culseandanes Aurora Storm 
gained 2 VHC's in Post Graduate and the blue class 
Owned and handled by Annette Harrison

1 Nov 2014

Working Pastorals Scotland

Today at Working Pastorals Scotland at Ingliston 
Eddanes Angel gained a 4th in Post Graduate Bitch 
Eddanes I Found Heaven Via Culseandanes gained a VHC in the same class. 
This is the first pic we have actually remembered to get of them together.