18 Mar 2013

Weaning the puppies

Well the puppies are over 4 weeks old and we start the weaning process at 3.5 weeks, but mummy has other ideas for us and drops in her bit of chicken leg for them and they are on like piranhas but only eat the flesh of it no bones at 3 weeks.

Mummy misty eats the bones but keeps an eye on the babies too and does the same at tea time. We knew then it was time to wean as mummy is our key for this stage. Our mothers usually pukes in the whelping boxes so we know when its time.

So we think we shall do our normal for them as in a good quality kibble and raw mixed together.

So first we sort out the kibble we are using and Royal Canin wins out this time the mother and baby one. Mum likes it but really prefers her raw.

So we first give raw mince which is quickly gobbled up and then add in the slops as its soft for them as teeth are still forming.

I usually do 1 meal per day for the first day then 2 meals, 3 meals, 4 meals you get the picture.

I usually use beef mince and chicken mince with the kibble and they are thriving on it I have to say we are nearly into week 2 now on the weaning and its going brilliantly for them.

I do keep an eye on them for poopy bums and cut back on the kibble or meat but the pups are all different after all. So far no poopy bums.

Some may not agree with how I wean but its for my adoptees as in they can chose one way or the other or both.

If I have kept a pup back I raw feed him or her and we have begun throwing in chunks of meat for treats to see how they go and the odd chicken leg. If not eaten mummy misty eats them.

I also dont remove mummy dog from the pups till she is ready. I have had one mummy dog still nursing her pup at 14 weeks. Most do wean them at 4-6 weeks but some are an exception to that rule and its theirs to make. They did all the hard work after all and do us proud with the pups they have given.

All pups are over 5kgs now which is very impressive too.




10 Mar 2013


Well Stripe and Leo  didnt get placed today in strong classes of 8 in yearling dog and 19 in limit. 

The judge today choose a lot of different colours today as well which was a nice surprise for us watching it all. I didnt get many piccies as ringside was hectic and very crowded. I do have a few though which I shall post. 

The atmosphere was amazing and I loved it all. Loads of stalls to spend money at which I didnt but was looking at leads, gen cons and haltis for the Danies. Also all the other stalls of goodies too. Loads of Dane ornaments but by god they where expensive.  

I got chatting to Scott & Louise Pearson of Daneworth and discovered that the first Mantle in the UK to be shown I knew of back in 2006 not the 2007 as I first thought.  Lovely boy called Jeff that they owned. 
That was nice to know seeing as,
I have a mantle too as there still isnt a lot of mantles out there still. 

I got to meet someone I class as a dear dear friend from FB today the lovely Corriene she is as mad as a box of frogs that lass and tis brilliant no airs or graces either which I love, not putting on a front for others just being herself. 

Loads of folks we already knew where there. So I was doing my fav hobby yapping as usual. 

I have to say the amount of piccies that got taken of the boyos if I was charging I would be quids in thats for sure, 
I'd say over a hundred was taken of them. 
Even offical ones of Leo where taken which was nice as he is my breeding and maybe they'll be published in the mags or where ever they get published. 

6 Mar 2013

Excitement over Crufts

I have never been and it will show on Sunday when we get there. 
I shall be a tourist looking in awe at everything. 

I have been told comfy shoes even if I am not showing as the place is huge and your walking a lot.
There will be stalls abound and loads and loads of peeps I know or dont that will stop for a chat which is good cos I can yap like the best of them. 

Only down side is you have to stay till 4pm but then we might be there all day anyways as we have 2 dogs to show one in Yearling and one in Limit. I think the latter is in the wrong class though oh well we can only hope he gets a wee card or rosette in whatever place, but I bring home the best dogs anyway. 

It'll be grooming and sorting the house out as of, well last night actually as I was checking meals for the kids and the dogs that are here that need babysitting not the kids as they are all older now thankfully. 

Loads of new and old peeps to meet up with and I might take some cheesecake as well but do single ones for folks. One person or three will be pleased hahaha!!!!


3 Mar 2013

The Northern Great Dane Club

At Sutton Leisure Centre 
St Helens 

Today Culseandanes Vipers Tale 
Maiden Dog 3rd

Pic by N Beresford

Colin all suited and booted with Stripe. 

Also Reserve in Open Mantle 

Colin was the handler today once again. 

Stripe was in Open but he wasnt playing ball as he was tired as it had been a long day for him. 
He wasnt placed and it was a big class of 11 mainly fawns.
but Stripe wasnt the only mantle in this class which was nice to see. 

There was 5 Mantles at this show today which was nice and I should have a line up pic of 4 I hope.

thank you to judge Ms Sheena Booth for thinking so highly of our dog on the day.