I have what you would class as a giant breed for a dog and they are not small even as pups. They are after all Great Danes.
My own kids and adults of the house know what they are and have learnt the hard way. Yes, they have been knocked over when a dane has been in full flight and know now to side step them or brace themselves up a wall or fence. They know not to race them either have you seen how fast one can go to get to what they want. 30mph at least so think on that when its in full flight scary huh.
Mine are my poster dogs, well they have to be because we have a lot of visitors before and after puppies are born. They are trained at an early age also because a lot are in the show ring.
Now I only have 7 rules
No faces
Yes you might think its cute to put your face into theirs but most if not all dogs don't like that so it's a no no. This dog does not know you. I do not encourage this with mine either if wondering.
No running at
Yes, that means no running at my Dane again they don't know you and some can be scared of this so approach slowly. I will enforce this as a lot don't and again think its cute. I don't its dangerous.
Their bits
I don't know about you but how would you feel about someone approaching you and touching you well a dog doesn't like it either. Now the bug bear I have is this, patting the head.
Don't do it as a dog thinks it is going to be hit so under the chin is fine do not touch or more like grab if a child ears, mouths, tails and eyes.
Always ask permission
Never ever approach a dog and then try and pet it without asking. Yes, mine are friendly what if you meet another that isn't and yes to defend themselves dogs will bite. This isn't just for children this does includes adults.
Side on
This is because they are a giant breed so approach from the side most bigger dogs prefer this and it makes them feel safe and yes folks think I am daft saying this but it works for mine and I'll bet there are others out there it works for too.
Yellow ribbons or collar.
If wearing a yellow ribbon do not approach without permission as there is a number of reason they wear these. One being nervous and you don't want to frighten them. I have collars that have writing on them now please take heed to these please for your safety, the dogs safety and mine.
One at a time please
We always attract a crowd so I make sure only one or two get to pet whomever I have with me that day. It's so we don't overwhelm them and make them excited if we have a pup with us. It also learns the dog manners and to sit and stay for training or stand and stay if going into the show ring.
Its always a talking point to, when meeting people to which helps but I have to sometimes enforce my rules for the safety of them and my dogs. Yes, I have been sworn at for it but I will not apologise for it this isn't just them but my dogs and other dogs in general if it stops one bite or educates someone I have done my job.
These are the main rules but if you know of more please let me know.