24 Jul 2015

Call the breeder

I was having a look at the pages on Social Media and came across these

1, His testicles haven’t descended?
2, The dogs have corridia (worms) and so do the rest of the litter does that make for a bad breeder?
3, One from a vet they have an eye problem at 8 weeks?
4, They are being aggressive with my other dogs?

The answers they got from others on social media to these concerned owners veered from decent to wildly inaccurate and harmful. The one thing they all shared is this Not a single one advised the puppy buyer to call the breeder. In fact somewhere outright anti breeder, with the undescended testicle being the worst as in the breeder didn’t check before you left with the puppy. Or one saying get the dog neutered straight away. Or it’ll end up with cancer as at eight weeks it’ll never come down.
In each case by at least one answered the owner was given the impression that the issue was in some way all the breeders fault small or large it fell on the breeder.
I get very nervous reading these responses and I think most breeder do too. Those are questions to which there are no right or wrong answers to and they are issues that breeders have much more experience in than anyone else, including vets at times.
Why don’t people call their breeder? I think it’s a few things
They feel stupid that they have had this issue?
They don’t want to bother the breeder?
They’re mad at the breeder?
Someone has made them think that the breeder is not trustworthy?
They think that Social Media will help all?

Sometimes they have a point as its no fun calling your breeder. If you call me with an issue something has gone wrong. It’s either my fault or your fault or the dogs fault but most of the time its not the dogs fault. So you’re either calling me to say that I have done something and I have to make it right or you’re calling me and I am going to tell you’re doing something wrong and then your going to get defensive and angry or have to spend money fixing it. Do remember I am on the side of the dog not necessarily yours. Its not that I don’t like you or that I don’t want to be friends, my closest friends are people that have sold dogs to or bought from or are in my circle of friends that I hold dear. I hope we can have a working relationship that means updates and phone calls.  But when the tough gets going I’m bending over backwards for that dog. Its not all sweetness and light then and there’s nothing you could of done.  It’s going to be “You need to change this and change this fast.” Or, if the problem is my fault, I’m going to get off the phone and yell a lot and most likely punch something. It probably won’t be a lot of fun for either of us.

However, that doesn’t matter. You HAVE TO CALL YOUR BREEDER. You have to call whoever is the most experienced with that breed and that pedigree and who is going to get you the best answer for the good of the dog, even if that answer puts someone in a tight spot.

Here’s why:
1, Many problems are breed-specific and the solutions are breed-specific too. That puppy with the undescended testicle? Turns out he’s only ten weeks old and he’s a toy breed. Small breeds often don’t have their testicles descend, or they can yo-yo around, until the dog is four or five months old. You can help them stay down by very gently manipulating them into place and you can also give supplements to help. Very obviously, the person whom so glibly gave that information had no real idea what she was talking about but figured the faster the nuts could get cut off the better. I don’t know what ended up happening to that poor puppy, but my guess is that he didn’t get the intervention he actually needed.

I once had a vet tell one of my owners that their puppy was severely dysplastic, based on palpation at eight weeks. Thankfully they called me right away, which allowed me to say that in Danes there is often a positive Ortolani sign in young puppies and it means nothing. I know this because of conversations with other breeders who remember when puppy hip palpation was all the rage a good few decades ago, and entire litters were being put down based on that “click” in the hip joint. It wasn’t until a few survivors (who the breeder could not bear to put down and kept with the idea of having it as a pet for its whole life) turned out to have perfectly good hips that the horrible mistake was realised. That’s a very specific, very narrow piece of information of the sort that floats around in the consciousness of the breed fancy for a long time but isn’t taught in vet schools and most people would never know.

2, Remember that almost all vets are no more experienced at dog ownership than you are, and they are clueless about breeding. Most vets are dog owners the same way you are – one or two dogs at a time, whether adopted or purchased, virtually always spayed/neutered, probably not particularly well trained. There are many breeds that they see no more often than you do; chances are a vet is going to see a Scottish Deerhound twice in her life There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that – vets are under no obligation to be breeders – but it means that you need to let them be experts in what they are trained in, and not consider them as some kind of dog gods that know all. Question everything they do and let it sink in.
Vets do not generally raise litters of puppies. They care for individual puppies but they do not raise litters. This is also true of many other dog professionals, trainers included. Most of them are not also breeders. So they are not necessarily going to know that, for example, all puppies have coccidia (the question is whether they get it badly enough to show symptoms, which is usually because of the stress of travel or a new home or new food) and the best thing to do is go find some Baycox (pig) and knock it out. The trainer is going to tell you that it’s associated with dirty breeders and the vet is going to put the puppy on Drontal for weeks on end.

3, This can be breed specific and no vet should write of a pup with an eye problem at this age unless they are a specialist and no specialist will see a pup, but wait till 6 months and then wait till the dog is fully grown to take a decision on the dog and not before then. If really bad they may do early but most do wait and not jump in and say this is wrong with the dog right away when it can be as easily be a teething issue or another dog playing roughly. Plus some eye problems are caused by the way the skull grows and sorts itself out as they reach adulthood.
Yes there are vets out there that operate early do not allow them to do this as a Danes head is still growing and they will make the eyes look as if the dog is startled all the time. Make them wait till maturity.

4, People who cannot see your dog in the situation you are describing are always going to think the worst. The description of the puppy biting other puppies could be a real warning sign – or it could be a puppy playing in a completely normal way with other dogs, and the problem is that the owner doesn’t know what normal puppy behaviour is. Maybe it’s a terrier, and it makes horrible noises and shakes the other dog by the neck while it’s doing it, and the owner has never seen that kind of interaction. The responses they got, which ranged from the puppy needing major training because a puppy being aggressive that early is a sign of true mental illness all the way to send the puppy back now and if it were mine I’d euthanise it, would (of course) terrify them and make them convinced that the dog was abnormal and a huge risk.

A call to the breeder in a situation like that is (hopefully) going to get you a response that is based on years of experience with normal behavior for that breed and that litter in particular. It’s very likely that she’d say “Oh, yeah, the two that I still have at home are doing that exact thing” or “Yes, all Terriers play like that” or “That’s a warning that you need to get more serious about your control of the food – sounds like you’re letting things get out of hand and Malamutes are not a breed that can tolerate an open bag of food in the kitchen and a bunch of dogs underneath it.” They are not going to be saying pts for it.

One more thing: Call your breeder, AND CALL EARLY. What seems to happen most often is that the owner has a concern – let’s say the puppy hates having his nails cut. The owner will mention it to his sister-in-law, who will come over and see the dog flailing around biting at the nail grinder. She’ll say “Wow, that’s pretty bad.” The owner then mentions it to a friend of a friend who knows a groomer. That person will tell the owner to put the dog up on the grooming table and put the noose up really high so the puppy can’t get his head down to bite. Puppy then hangs himself and blacks out. Owner goes to the vet, who offers to sedate the puppy for grooming. Owner pays for this three times, then gets fed up and calls the breeder, and says that he has to have the dog knocked out every four weeks and strapped down to a table and muzzled to get his nails done, and he thinks that this is an improper temperament for the breed.
This entire situation – which is NOT far-fetched – could have been cut off months before if the owner had just called the breeder. If you call me about nails, or about nipping, or about pulling on the leash, or about separation anxiety, or about ninety other things that are very common in puppies, yes, I will probably say that you’re doing it wrong. And I know you won’t want to hear it. But trust me that I’m not magic. I’m just sadder but wiser. You name an issue and I promise I did it wrong for years, and finally figured out (or was told, or was beaten over the head which is most likely) how to do it right, and I’m honestly just trying to save you and the dog from some hideous stress.

If you buy a puppy from a good breeder, and I have had this pleasure several times now, you can’t get away from them without an hour-long lecture. Christ, I get the lecture even now, and I’ve had show dogs for a good few years. Good breeders sit you down, either individually or over the phone, and they go through a whole bunch of information from vaccines to worming to behaviour to feeding. That’s our job. But we do not expect you to memorise it, and we do not think we could have possibly covered every conceivable situation, and we KNOW that there will be concerns later. So please, do not drive away with your puppy and call us only as a measure of last resort after reading things on social media and listening to other dog owners that know the same or even less than you. We would all much rather have the owner who calls three times a week asking about trivial things like hiccups than the owner who leaves and never calls again.

You’re paying for a good breeder, so please use what you paid for.

21 Jul 2015

Lets talk Fleas

Ok we don't like the critters and want rid of them ASAP. You think you are on top of it all and haven't seen one in years and are caught by damn surprise when you have handed over a beloved fur kid to get that dreaded phone call he has fleas. Even after bathing them twice you discover some other pet has brought them in unknown and unseen by yourselves. 

Even if your dogs stays close to home, fleas are canny critters, and they have ways of making it into your home and onto your pets, even with preventions in place. All it takes is a few fleas to get established in your yard to set up a full scale infestation of your yard, your pet and your home. 

I also have to say they can live dormant in your home for up to a year and the minute you put that heating back on they come alive and bit your dog and jump of and hide till their next feed. Get a good flea spray and when you do put that heating on get spraying every room of the house to get shot of them and remember a daily hoovering is good too even twice daily if you have time. 

Not to worry fleas are easy to get rid of, but doesn't stop you feeling guilty over it and realising you missed it. Take full responsibility right away and move on, Owner and breeder 


Unfortunately, there is no way to keep every wild animal out of your garden/yard not even with a tall fence. No garden is an island unto itself and foxes and small rodents will find a way to get into your yard, carrying fleas along with them some with ticks too. 

The more visitors you have to your yard, the greater the chances of an infestation arriving on the back of another animal. Feral cats roaming are also carriers of fleas and ticks. This is the reason not to encourage wild animals to come into your dogs domain by leaving out offerings of leftovers. Even a bowl of water, left out for when your dog is outside is an invitation for other animals to hang around. 

You and your human visitors can also be unwitting carriers of fleas and ticks. Anyone coming into your home can be a carrier of fleas. They can be brought in from the persons own home or pet without their knowledge. 

If you like to spend time hiking, its easy for a few to hitch a ride back on your trouser leg, sock or even your shoes. These parasites are well adapted at finding ways to attach to a potential hosts in order to find their next blood meal. 

Anytime your pet goes out into the world even if only for a short walks around the street, play dates or even a visit to the vets she is being exposed to the opportunity to fleas or ticks and they will hop on. 

You must. be very careful about checking your dog for ticks after a good hike in the woods or a trip to the river if they are swimmers. remember ticks (and fleas) are good at hiding and they will find the furriest spots in the deepest crevices on your pets skin. Look especially close in the neck fur, on the abdomen and the arm "pits" 

Because fleas and ticks are so good at what they do, you need to be extra vigilant during the peak of fleas and tick season which is the warmer weather. Even if you notice one or two fleas treat him there and then and not later. 

If your dog is very old or young one or an underlying medical condition visit your vet for advice on the best preventive and the safest way to use them. If you catch the problem quickly enough you may be able to avoid chemical solutions and try a natural remedy first. 

If you do already have a flea and tick problem, you might want use the tried and sure chemical remedies for this season, so that you can comfortably enjoy the rest of the season, saving the reliance on flea repelling landscaping for next spring. It’s much easier to start early, keeping parasites from getting a foothold, than it is to try to eradicate them after they have had a chance to breed and established. 

Dont think your immune all because you haven't seen them in years. Keep on top off them and you won't get that dreaded phone call again. 

You can use Advocate spot on flea treatments these must be bought from your vets or someone with a licence. 
Some others use for the raw feeders billy no mates and DE these can be purchased online. 

Most of all treat, move on and enjoy your pet.