Culseandanes Janet Weiss
Gained a 2nd
In post graduate
Our Judge on the day was non other than
Miss T Pocock
Culseandanes Janet Weiss AKA Skylar
gained a second in Junior bitch and as she was still a puppy could challenge for best puppy bitch which she then went onto win
she then went onto challenge for RCC as was behind the BCC winner.
nowt there but stood lovely for her handler
well she gets to then challenge for best in breed and not only wins that but goes
onto win best puppy in show
2nd Craig & Di Paolantonio's Culseandanes Janet Weiss. 11-month-old fawn. Very pretty, big boned, well grown youngster. Feminine head with good head planes, dark mask and good shaped dark eyes, well positioned ears. Excellent body shape, well balanced, long neck and big shoulders, well filled front, straight legs and tight feet. A firm top line, excellent croup and tail set, angulation front and rear is very good. Moved very well. Pleased to award her BPB and Best puppy in Show.
Culseandanes Blue Posiedon
gained 1st in Veteran and Best Veteran Dog
and he received his named rosette to boot!!!!
2nd October
At ingliston Edinburgh
Under Audrey Sinclair
Culseandanes Nic Cage gained a first in post graduate dog then
went onto gain a RCC into the bargain