On the day at
Carlisle show
Culseandanes Janet Weiss
Gained a first in graduate
Then onto win best in breed
Then group 1
Way to go Skylar
Carlisle show
Culseandanes Janet Weiss
Gained a first in graduate
Then onto win best in breed
Then group 1
Way to go Skylar
Well the biggest show in the world was attended but team Culseandanes once again in the shape of Culseandanes Janet Weiss aka Skylar with her owners Martin and Rosabla with their handler Sheena
Culseandanes Janet Weiss
Gained a very very respectable
1st in junior bitch
Out of a class of 15
She got to strut her stuff in the line and made her owners and breeder very very proud as she took it all her in stride. I was told she was knackered afterwards.