31 Dec 2012
Our Usual Day
7am rise and put kettle on let out the puppies and older gal out for the first toilet of the day.
Clean up any overnight mess from them.
Make that coffee.
7.20am let retired mutleys out for their first toilet of the day let them take their time doing so and supervise whilst drinking coffee.
Whilst doing that make up breakfast for all dogs.
Raw feeders first as its easier and quicker.
Go help up one of the old dears if she has fallen over. Balance can be a sod at times for them if they decide they want a zoomie and then realise they really cant. Sweep and mop and dry mop their room, clean up any accidents they may have had.
Give meds to dogs that get in their breakfast even the raw feeders. (lot easier).
Ditch now cold coffee and make another.
8am dish up everyones breakfast.
all oldies are resting and being petted by kids before school.
8.10am seeing of the kids wiping down their uniform of hairs as usual. Let the pups out
8.45am start on the pen and let out girlies for a good old romp out in the yard. Sift through their bedding and sort out fluffing it up for them. scraping up poop and hosing it all.
9am realise you haven't even made that coffee. Let the pups out
9.30am finish up in pen and have a romp with the girlies in the yard. Older girlie loves her cuddles.
10am come in and make and drink a hot coffee check Facebook. Let the pups out
10.15am back out to the kennels and let them out for a romp. Wilma always gets a cuddle before you even make a start on her kennel. Stripe just looks at you and runs thinking its play time. I do have to be firm cos he has knocked me over being a bit OTT.
Scrape out kennels sort out shavings and fluff up for them. Now its footie time for Stripe as Wilma doesn't play.
11.15am come in and make a start on my own breakfast and another coffee. Let the pups out
12 noon let pups out and then check in on Facebook and blog update where needed. Let oldies out.
12.30pm if not raining or to cold go to beach with a few of the dogs. We usually do this every other day when the spring comes all dogs love this and can be friendly with other dogs too and it helps them to know other dogs are there too.
Do housework in-between letting pups out. Do a spot of training with one or two of the dogs regardless of age. They love the one to one attention.
1pm start on lunch for humans and dogs. Feed everyone. Check pen and kennels and scrape if needed. If in and not at beach.
3pm think about dinner for us. Make a coffee for me. let oldies out keep an eye on them whilst having that coffee. Start laundry for dogs mine is done at night.
4pm let the pups out.
4.10pm Al does training with his dog and Stripe if needed. A stance or stay a walk or run in yard for 5 to 10 minutes.
5pm stick on the dishwasher let pups out. Prep dinner
6pm let pups and oldies out. Eat dinner.
7pm coats on dogs if cold and/or raining start taking out in their groups. Oldies only to be walked the half mile at their speed. Except Mondays and Wednesdays as this is ring craft class night for the pups. Take out earlier if feasible(see above).
8pm Supper time for all. Let pups out and oldies.
9pm let puppies out.
10pm bedding down for the night. Let pups out.
10.30pm last toilet of the night for indoors but if they need after we still let them out. More so the retired ones as they seem to need out every 3/4 hours.
11pm bed for me. To start all over again. I usually check in on Facebook and don't crash till after 1am. If I crash before them I am up at silly o'clock.
If at a show we leave instructions for all of this to be done during the day.
All dogs regardless get 3 feeds a day in winter and twice in summer.
If pups on the go we all muck in-together as the adults and kids all like to help out as we have a very much extended family as well which at times is a godsend.
House is shut down when pups are on the go by the way so if not family you aint getting in for 2-4 weeks.

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